The Best Belay Glasses for Rock Climbing
“I honestly think they are a requirement for anyone who climbs more than once a week. No more neck pain and more attentive belays.”
What are rock climbing belay glasses?
High Quality Climbing Belay Classes
Belay Specs are the best belay glasses for rock climbers. We use the best materials available and a unique design that enables users to tailor fit to their head and face.
Better Vision = Better Belaying
Using belay glasses while climbing can improve belayer comfort, belayer attentiveness, and communication between the belayer and the climber.
Prisms Improve Belayer Vision
Our belay glasses use “light bending" prisms which allow a belayer to carefully watch a rock climber high above them without bending their neck and head upwards.
Eliminate Neck Pain
Eliminating neck strain minimizes typical belay discomfort, allowing belayers to keep a constant eye on their climbing partners and provide a better, more responsive belay.
Better Comfort = Improve Climbing
Belayers who use rock climbing belay glasses experience less muscle strain during the belay, leaving them more ready to send their next climbing objective.