The Best Belay Glasses for Rock Climbing

“I honestly think they are a requirement for anyone who climbs more than once a week. No more neck pain and more attentive belays.”

What are rock climbing belay glasses?


High Quality Climbing Belay Classes

Belay Specs are the best belay glasses for rock climbers. We use the best materials available and a unique design that enables users to tailor fit to their head and face.

Better Vision = Better Belaying

Using belay glasses while climbing can improve belayer comfort, belayer attentiveness, and communication between the belayer and the climber.

Prisms Improve Belayer Vision

Our belay glasses use “light bending" prisms which allow a belayer to carefully watch a rock climber high above them without bending their neck and head upwards.

Eliminate Neck Pain

Eliminating neck strain minimizes typical belay discomfort, allowing belayers to keep a constant eye on their climbing partners and provide a better, more responsive belay.

Better Comfort = Improve Climbing

Belayers who use rock climbing belay glasses experience less muscle strain during the belay, leaving them more ready to send their next climbing objective.

Rock climber using belay glasses to watch climber on belay

Belay glasses ease neck pain while rock climbing

Rock climbing belay glasses help make belaying on long climbing days more comfortable. For climbers with neck and back trouble, Belay Specs are a lifeline adaptation that can allow them to continue rock climbing when they might otherwise not be able to.

For climbers without neck and back problems, Belay Specs provide reliable comfort on multi-pitch days doing what we love most - climbing!

Female climber wearing belay glasses while belaying

Belay glasses improve belay attentiveness while climbing

Climbers and belayers perform better when they are physically comfortable and without distraction.

Belay glasses remove distracting neck discomfort and allow you to focus on belaying your climbing partner. When you see your partner better, you belay better.

Try Belay Glasses Once, and You’ll Be Hooked

I love Belay Specs and I do think they work the best for me.
— Lynn Hill
I freakin’ love my Belay Specs! These belay glasses have become on of the most valued items in my crag pack. I cry when I forget to bring them.
— Ethan Pringle
As much as I enjoy the clear image of my partner climbing, I’m actually more pleased with the amount of peripheral vision I have when he takes a fall. Belay Specs make catching on a project so much nicer!
— Audrey Gale-Dreyer
Belay Glasses are a game changer for neck pain while belaying. Earlier this year, I wrote an article for DPM magazine about the condition known as Belayer’s Neck. I introduced some groundbreaking exercises but neglected to mention belay glasses. It wasn’t until I had a discussion with Lynn Hill about climbing injuries that she mentioned and recommended them. So I decided to check them out. Phil makes a great product and that can help prevent overuse neck injuries before they happen.
— "The Climbing Doctor," Dr. Jared Vagy, PT, DPT, OSC, CSCS